Our certifications cover a wide horizon of topics ranging from quality control, to food safety, from environmental security to safety on the workplace and include certifications related to product traceability and the supply chain. Our goal is not only to go beyond the full compliance of all regulatory requirements, and our ethical code and social balance sheet are a clear indication of our daily commitment.
Quality certification system Certificate n. IT99/0392 Expiration: 3/12/2024 Certified since 23/12/1999
Bureau Veritas Certification of food products
Bureau Veritas Certification of food products
UNI ISO 45001
Certification of worker safety Certificate n. IT11/0652 Expiration: 02/08/2023 Certified since 02/08/2011
UNI EN ISO 14001
Certification for the environmental management system Certificate n. IT11/0371 Expiration: 09/05/2023 Certified since 09/05/2011
UNI EN ISO 14001
Certification for the environmental management system Certificate n. IT11/0371 Expiration: 09/05/2023 Certified since 09/05/2011
UNI EN ISO 22000
Certification for food safety management systems Certificate n. IT07/1540 Expiration: 10/12/2022 Certified since 10/12/2007
UNI EN ISO 22005
Certification for the traceability system in agri-food companies Certificate n. 588/001-1 Expiration: 27/04/2023 Certified since 29/04/2011
Membership CPR
Responsible Payment Committee
June 2016
Membership CPR
Responsible Payment Committee
June 2016
CRIBIS prime company
CRIBIS prime company